CMS released an ICD-10 Cross Walk for Medical Conditions List which means the Ambulance Condition Codes can still be used now that the transition to ICD-10 has begun. However, the list is quite lengthy because CMS crosswalked both the primary and alternative specific ICD codes from the ICD-9 Ambulance Condition Code List instead of only the 74 primary codes. In addition, because of the way the original list of ambulance condition codes was developed, the codes did not always line up precisely with the ICD definitions. This means that some of the converted ICD-10 codes on the new CMS list are not very useful for ambulance claims. But the new Crosswalk provides a starting point for creating a more streamlined list of usable ICD-10 codes. CMS's crosswalk (in separate PDF files) can be downloaded by clicking by going to the Ambulance Services Center page and downloading the ZIP folder located under "Other Guidance." The document is called: "ICD-10-CM Cross Walk for Medical Conditions List."
For more information, read Page, Wolfberg & Wirth’s summary of the new crosswalk on the PWW Website.