CEU Catalog

Title Certification Topic Code Credit Hours
How EMS Telehealth Can Improve Care and Boost Your Bottom Line CAC, CACO, CAPO Other 1.00 Purchase
Likely enduring changes from COVID-19, what will stay forever, what is temporary.  Treatment in place via telehealth, transport to alternative desitinations though telehealth triage, more prudent use of ambulance services. $40.00
How to Prevent Lawyers From Screwing Up Your Revenue Cycle CAC, CACO Other 1.00 Purchase
Whether your patient was involved in an accident or you’re now taking him to court to collect an unpaid bill, there’s a chance that your patient is represented by legal counsel.  As much as your patient’s lawyer may try to convince you that you have no right to collect your payment, or tries to get you to hold off on collecting with a “letter of protection” or similar agreement, the truth is that having a lawyer in the picture doesn’t have to screw up your revenue cycle.  We’ll teach you how to get the money your agency is legally entitled to when your patient has a lawyer, and help you separate fact from legal baloney in the process.  $40.00  
Medicaid Matters CAC, CACO Other 1.00 Purchase
This lesson discusses Medicaid, a joint federal and state program with broad guidelines established by federal law and specific guidelines established by each state. $40.00    
Medicare Learning Network Web-Based Trainings CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Other Details
Medicare Learning Network’s Web-Based Training Courses are designed for self-paced training via the Internet and provide information on a broad range of CMS topics for health care professionals and their staff.  Click HERE to see which Web-Based Trainings are approved for NAAC CEU Credit. Visit the Medicare Learning Network’s Web-Based Trainings page to learn more and view the trainings.   ALL CEUs from MLN are free of charge!  You will recieve a certificate of completion from MLN send that to CustomerServices@AmbulanceCompliance.com to receive your CEU certificate.  
One Quick Question CAC, CACO, CAPO Other 1.00 Purchase
For which there is no quick answer.  Your billing, compliance and privacy questions answered.  Seemingly “simple” but nothing is simple in ambulance billing and compliance.  How we analyze and come up with answers. $40.00
The Words Matter CAC, CACO Other 1.00 Purchase
Words are easy to take out of proper context and can be interpreted in different ways.  This session will help you to think like a lawyer. $40.00
Up In Smoke CAC, CACO, CAPO Other 1.00 Purchase
Dealing with impaired employees. Definitions and legal distinctions, history and societal issues driving cannabis use.  Medical vs. recreational use. Legas issues – state vs. federal laws.  Practical issues and considerations. $40.00
We Want Our Money: 10 Strategies for Effective Collections When the Patient and the Payer Won't Pay CAC, CAFO Other 1.00 Purchase
The good news is that fewer patient accounts are self-pay.  But the bad news is that many commercial payers send payment directly to the patient, and your billers are left chasing down the patient for your agency’s money.  And with increasing deductibles and copayments under the ACA, patient balances can’t be neglected.  This session will review ten effective strategies for collecting unpaid balances within the law – and help your agency avoid taking a hit on those “tough” accounts. $40.00  
Your Rights AND Obligations in a Government Investigation CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Other 1.00 Purchase
The dreaded “knock on the door” arrives – someone with a badge, a gun and a search warrant arrives at your office looking for mountains of documents and files in a government investigation.  Or, a strange document called a “subpoena duces tecum” arrives in your mail.  Or perhaps a federal investigator shows up on your biller’s doorstep one evening asking questions.  What next?  Are your employees compelled to speak to the agents? What documents must be turned over and what documents are protected by legal privileges?  Can they take my computers, hard drives or other equipment? What are the consequences for not complying with a subpoena or search warrant?  This session will help your agency formulate a comprehensive “response plan” should that unpleasant day come. $40.00