CEU Catalog

Title Certification Topic Code Credit Hours
2025 Online Mandatory CEU Package CAC, CACO, CAFO Mandatory 4.00 Purchase
This package will provide you with all 4 mandatory CEUs required to maintain your Certified Ambulance Coder Status. This package also qualifies as 4 CEUs for Certified Ambulance Compliance Officers (CACO), and Certified Ambulance Financial Officers (CAFO) Included in this package are:  Medicare & Reimbursement Update (2.0 hours) Compliance Update (1.25 hours) Privacy Update (.75 hours) $375.00
Ambulance Cost Data Collection CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Ambulance Billing Procedures 1.00 Purchase
All you need to know about ambulance cost data collection.  What do you need to be doing now to prepare, what is the effective date and other pertinent information. $40.00
Applying Clinical Protocols in the Billing Process CAC, CACO, CAFO Ambulance Billing Procedures 0.50 Purchase
What can make the difference between an ALS2 claim and an ALS1 claim?  Your agency’s clinical protocols.  Did you know that your system’s protocols can also affect the difference between what is considered ALS and BLS?  And local protocols can also determine what procedures are beyond the scope of a paramedic for proper coding of Specialty Care Transports (SCTs) under Medicare rules.  This session will offer a detailed look at the interaction between clinical protocols and proper billing – and help you make the most of these often-confusing principles. $30.00  
Compliance Benchmarking: Using Data to Stop Trouble in its Tracks CAC, CACO, CAFO Compliance 1.00 Purchase
Knowing how well your agency is performing when it comes to billing and compliance is critical.  Benchmarking not only helps you understand your agency’s financial performance, it can help you spot troubling trends before they consume you.  But knowing what to measure – and what the findings mean – is the key to successful compliance benchmarking.  This session will help you design an effective set of compliance benchmarks – and then use them to monitor performance and avoid trouble down the road. $40.00  
Compliance Hotlines: How to Set One Up - and How it Can Save Your Agency CACO, CAFO, CAPO Compliance 1.00 Purchase
One of the OIG’s recommended elements of an effective compliance program is to have a compliance “hotline” in place.  Compliance hotlines can take many forms, and this session will explore the various options to help you set up a working program.  Most importantly, we’ll discuss how to handle compliance inquiries and complaints – including effective follow-up – to keep your problems “in house” whenever possible and reduce the chance of costly whistleblower complaints and government investigations and audits. $40.00  
Creating Effective Compliance Training CAC, CACO, CAFO Compliance 1.00 Purchase
Making the message about compliance stick.  Types of compliance training for new hires, new programs, updates, ongoing refreshers, targeting training and remedial training. $40.00
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: Why Stealing Your Data is More Profitable Than Robbing a Bank CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO HIPAA 0.50 Purchase
In this session, you’ll learn why the EMS industry is at a much greater risk for data theft and you’ll learn ways that hackers and your own employees could be exploiting your data.  Discover the tools you need to prevent your information from being stolen.  $30.00  
Identifying and Using Compliance Champions Within Your Agency CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Compliance 0.50 Purchase
How are compliance concerns reported and handled effectively within your organization and how to improve your compliance efforts using the folks already in your organization. $30.00
Medicare Learning Network Web-Based Trainings CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Other Details
Medicare Learning Network’s Web-Based Training Courses are designed for self-paced training via the Internet and provide information on a broad range of CMS topics for health care professionals and their staff.  Click HERE to see which Web-Based Trainings are approved for NAAC CEU Credit. Visit the Medicare Learning Network’s Web-Based Trainings page to learn more and view the trainings.   ALL CEUs from MLN are free of charge!  You will recieve a certificate of completion from MLN send that to CustomerServices@AmbulanceCompliance.com to receive your CEU certificate.  
Part A vs. Part B: The Ins and Outs of Facility Billing Rules CAC, CACO, CAFO Ambulance Billing Procedures 1.00 Purchase
One of the foggiest areas of ambulance billing involves transports to and from medical facilities. This session address not only the rules, but also specific strategies to improve communication, and contracting tips to better solidify your revenue stream from this critical segment of your business. $90.00
Seven Essential Habits of an Effective Compliance Officer CACO, CAFO Compliance 1.00 Purchase
The compliance officer is key in helping your agency meet its legal obligations and reduce the risks of whistleblower cases, negative audit outcomes and costly government investigations.  However, the compliance officer position has to be more than just “another job duty” for an already-overworked management employee – it has to be handled with care and skill.  This session will cover the seven essential habits of an effective compliance officer – come and see how you measure up, or where you can improve. $40.00  
The Five Biggest Compliance Mistakes Made By Fire-Based and Other Public EMS Agencies CAC, CACO, CAFO Compliance 1.00 Purchase
This session will review the five biggest compliance mistakes we’ve seen in many fire-based and public-sector EMS agencies across the United States. $40.00
The Government is Knocking CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Claims Review/Auditing 1.00 Purchase
Why audits and investigations are scarier than lawsuits.  What is the difference between lawsuits and audits. $40.00
We Want Our Money: 10 Strategies for Effective Collections When the Patient and the Payer Won't Pay CAC, CAFO Other 1.00 Purchase
The good news is that fewer patient accounts are self-pay.  But the bad news is that many commercial payers send payment directly to the patient, and your billers are left chasing down the patient for your agency’s money.  And with increasing deductibles and copayments under the ACA, patient balances can’t be neglected.  This session will review ten effective strategies for collecting unpaid balances within the law – and help your agency avoid taking a hit on those “tough” accounts. $40.00  
Where Compliance Meets QI: Implementing Compliance Performance Indicators CAC, CACO, CAFO Compliance 1.50 Purchase
Most EMS agencies have a robust Quality Improvement (QI) process.  And some agencies have good compliance programs in place.  But we’ve found that most EMS agencies haven’t effectively closed the loop between QI and compliance.  This session will explore the importance of connecting your compliance activities to your QI program, and how you can make compliance an integral part of everyone’s job.  We’ll tell you how to implement critical Compliance Performance Indicators into your agency’s QI program and make it focus on more than clinical care alone.  $60.00  
Your Rights AND Obligations in a Government Investigation CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Other 1.00 Purchase
The dreaded “knock on the door” arrives – someone with a badge, a gun and a search warrant arrives at your office looking for mountains of documents and files in a government investigation.  Or, a strange document called a “subpoena duces tecum” arrives in your mail.  Or perhaps a federal investigator shows up on your biller’s doorstep one evening asking questions.  What next?  Are your employees compelled to speak to the agents? What documents must be turned over and what documents are protected by legal privileges?  Can they take my computers, hard drives or other equipment? What are the consequences for not complying with a subpoena or search warrant?  This session will help your agency formulate a comprehensive “response plan” should that unpleasant day come. $40.00